A few weeks ago a friend of mine who is from New Jersey originally offered to go into New York City with me and show me around.
It was the perfect day for it. We walked through central park, got to see Belvedere castle and my favorite part the Metropolitan Museum of Art!
I could have spent the entire day in the museum. We focused on the Greek and Egyptian art. Though they had a special exhibit of work by Vermeer which was serendipitous as Vermeer is one of my favorite artists.
One of the best parts though was while we were perusing the museum we found that there was some ancient Syriac artifacts( including pieces of the ancient Babylonian flood story in cuneiform). So being the good seminary students that we are we naturally headed straight for it. As we approached we happened to find ourselves among a tour group. Better yet it was a bible study tour group. So of course we proceeded to pretend to be apart of the group in order to here what the tour guide had to say.
It was an interesting lecture. I can at least say that seminary must be paying off a bit because thanks to my Old Testament class, there were a few pieces of biblio/historical information that my friend and I had to disagree with the tour guide about.
Actually, my friend and I got to whispering so much that some people in the back of the group gave us a look that suggested to us that it was time for us to find a new section of the museum to explore.
After we were totally exhausted by touring the museum we hopped on the train and headed back to NJ. It was a fun first introduction to NYC, hopefully only the first of many excursions.