I am not a big New Years person. It seems like a fine holiday but not one that really excites me all that much. I feel like 2011 just kinda appeared. 2010 was not all that exciting for me, frankly it was just another year. I am hoping that 2011 brings some fun adventures and good times, and perhaps turns out to be a little more memorable.
I spent the holidays in P-town. While I was chilling on the West Coast the East Coast got blanketed with snow. By the time I got back it was mostly mush. I was worried that I had missed out on the winter snow, but lucky me the East saved some snow for me. Since I have been back we have had three snowstorms with the latest one bringing a good six to eight inches of snow. It has brought me to conclude that God does answer prayers, just in God's own time. See, I spent the greater part of my childhood praying for snow. I remember promising I would do all my homework if only God would let it snow so we could have a snow day. Growing up where an inch of snow was enough to shut down the city my prayers dripped with the desperate hope of a child longing for a single day of snow fun. Well, I can say that more often than not my prayers were met with nothing more than the dribble,dribble of rain drops. As the winter has progressed here this year I have come to realize that it is not that God was refusing to answer my prayers God was just waiting to answer them when God decided it was a good time. My prayers for snow have been answered. I am surrounded by more snow than any native Pacific Northwestern kid could possible know what to do with.
I think I also know why God waited. When I was a kid I told myself I would never turn into one of those adults that despised snow because rather than seeing it as an opportunity to take a break they saw it as a frustrating obstacle. I think this year I have come close to becoming one of those adults, so focused on getting things done that I forget to stop every once in a while and take a break. So God gave me snow.
Happily snow stuck,