It has been over 2 1/2 years sense I have had short hair. Being in a new place and starting down a new path made me finally give into a decision that I had been contemplating for awhile. I have kept my hair long mostly because I thought that it helped me to look older ( which ultimately means it helps me look my age). I decided though with some gentle prodding from friends to go for it and cut it short! This was a big thing considering I have had the same person cut my hair for the last like 15 years. I scheduled an appointment and a friend from my hall went with me. She is much more hip and knowledgeable of things girly. I usually leave it all up to the person cutting to decide what is best. Well, this guy wanted to know what I wanted and he wanted specifics which is where my friend was very helpful. I was thinking cutting it up to my shoulders, well let me put it this way shoulders must mean ears in New Jersey. The advantage was that I got to donate my hair to Locks Of Love a group that uses the hair to make wigs for cancer patients. I was a little shocked at first, but have learned to adjust. People seem to think it makes me look more mature, which frankly I need all the help I can get.
Hey--looks great! I went to seminary with a buzz cut and haven't cut it short since. Plus, you almost never post pictures of yourself (unless you are hiding behind a book). We'll call this the new, emerging, wildly self-confident, camping with friends in the woods, short-haired, just turned 22, still short as a stump Amanda! Hugs to you, Phil