Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Book Addiction

Recently the seminary held their annual book sale. The proceeds from the sale go towards building the libraries of seminaries in less advantaged locations.

The entire sale is put on by student volunteers. I volunteered by sorting the donations that came in. Boxes and boxes of books from pastors, students, staff, and community members poured in. Now, sorting books while a volunteer position did come with an amazing incentive. To compensate volunteers for their time volunteers got to take books for free. It started out with 1 book per hour and then went up to 2 per hour as the date of the sale neared.

Sounds like a wonderful deal, right? It is a wonderful deal except when you have a book addiction like me. For those of you who may not know, I love books! I mean I really LOVE books. I love to hold them, turning the crisp pages, smelling the glorious fragrance that is simply 'book'. I love looking at their spines all lined up on the bookshelf beckoning to be opened and read.
Frankly if I could spend my days in bookstores I probably would, so being tempted by the mounds of books that came in for the book sale was a difficult thing. Needless to say due to my many hours of sorting I ended up collecting quite a few books (or boxes of books :). Now as I am packing up my room for the summer I am finding it difficult to store them all. I mean, poor things, having to be stuffed into cramped boxes where they won't see the light of day. I suppose they will forgive me right?

Happy Reading,



  1. Daughter Dearest........... This is so your father's addiction.
    Remember the basement!

  2. Totally get it - that sale is so dangerous! I graduated with boxes of books that I am just now finishing!!!
